Monday, June 11, 2007

A four-point-oh in feminism

You Are 100% Feminist

You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man).
You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action.

That test was totally easy. Of course, I've been studying for it for more than 30 years. Yes, in fact, I was a feminist right outta the womb. You can ask my mama. She'll tell you that I said to her, at the tender age of however old I was when I went to pre-school, that I was never going to get married because I wasn't going to have a man tell me what to do. I was just going to live at home and have babies.

Hey, I was in pre-school, folks. I got it half right.


Anonymous said...

Yes, and you had a plan to give your sister away before she was born. And, you told the pre-school teachers that their gender-role pictures were wrong because your mom worked on the car and your dad did the dishes. You were always thinking and were never afraid to air your views! I couldn't have asked for more - except the giving away of your sister, perhaps....

Gender Blank said...

Hey, she could have made some family very happy. :)

Christine P. said...

OK. Anyone who answered anything other than "strongly agree" with any of the statements on this quiz, raise your hand.

Clearly, you are a complete idiot and must be destroyed. Or at least ridiculed. Your choice.